© Llay/Rossett Parish 2023
Llay Parish
Wrexham, North Wales
Funding Sumy
To help fund the work that Sumy Parish does, via the soup kitchen, Llay-Rossett Parish hold a “Sumy
Soup Supper”at the end of the first Friday of Advent each year. Also to fund care for Valentina we
hold a “Valentina Cake Stall” each year in February/March. Below you will find photo/video of the
latest fund raisers that have taken place.
Valentina’s Coffee Morning & Cake Stall
Many thanks to all parishioners, both producers and customers, who helped in any way to support
the Coffee Morning and Sale of Cakes last Sunday, to raise funds for Valentina in Sumy, Ukraine. As
usual the cakes, biscuits, crumbles and conserves were of the highest quality and so were the many
raffle prizes. And it was good to see so many parishioners socialising. To date £1331.10 has been
raised, and no doubt there are some donations still to come. Well done, everybody
Valentina Cake Stall
Sumy Soup Supper